Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fool's joke? Who can tell?

I'm going to try my best to stay off the Net today. I've spent the last half hour surveying news sites to see who had enough of a sense of humor to run an April Fool's joke news story. (This after I had a good chuckle over Google's April Fool's joke contribution.)

The problem is, I'm having a hard time telling which stories are April Fool's jokes, and that disturbs me. I'm pretty sure this one isn't becuase it would be so politically incorrect, but it took me a while to decide that....

Then there's this one, which I'm really hoping is an April Fool's joke, but I suspect isn't either...

I really can't decide about this story, and I really don't care either way...

After searching and searching and becoming more and more disturbed I finally realized, why bother? The Onion does April Fool's joke-style news every week, and it's almost always funny. Sometimes I wonder why I read the 'real' news at all.